Noon sub- immortal ºÁ: The tea takes the form of the orchid, shapemicro flat, Ò¶µ× light green, Paris green reveals ºÁ, the chestnutfragrant taste, fresh mellow is lasting, soup color clear. After themodern science and technology chemical examination analysis, the aminoacid content is 4.1%, the tea polyphenol content is 27.3%, ¿§·È¼îthe content is 4.43%, the chlorophyll content is 2.03mg/g, the vitaminB1 content is 0.038mg/g, the vitamin B2 content is 0.732mg/g, theselenium content is 0.858mg/g, the zinc content is 53.5mg/g, noon thesub- immortal ºÁ tea because richly contains the zinc, the seleniumand so on the trace element, has to the human body bottom health carefunction |